Meet The Third Estimate Team

For nearly the past 3 decades, the Colopys have built an extended family of talented professionals that work hard to make you feel like family too. We’re led by a team who constantly challenges themselves to unlock their highest potential, and they bring their talent to fulfill our company vision. We are so grateful to work together and provide quality services to our customers.

Our Innovative Leaders

Brittany B.

Brittany B.

Operations Manager
LeeAnn C.
Leeann welcomed many changes in early 2024- a new grandbaby and a new Director of Human Resources position at The Third Estimate. With over two decades of experience in Human Resources Management, she aims to align growth and recruiting initiatives to fill our team with the right talent and has already put the wheels in motion.

LeeAnn C.

Director of Human Resources
Keith S.
Joining The Third Estimate as the Director of Marketing in 2023, Keith brings with him a wealth of digital marketing and home exterior industry knowledge. While analyzing and streamlining The Third Estimate Marketing process, he continues encouraging collaboration, communication, and creativity.

Keith S.

Director of Marketing
Ocean S.
Ocean joined The 3rd Estimate in 2019 and has been an integral part of maintaining office policies and operations since. Responsible for coordinating our accounting department and production needs, her organization and dedication to efficiency keep us on track and informed.

Ocean S.

Senior Production Coordinator
After graduating from Ohio University in 1996, Steve Colopy started The 3rd Estimate with architecture, energy efficiency, finance- and most importantly, our community in mind. Building a business and a family over the past 3 decades, he and his wife Third Estimate CEO Tara, are still hands-on in the business’s day-to-day operations- working alongside our team to bring big ideas to life.

Steve Colopy

Founder and President
An inspiring leader, Tara Colopy has brought balance and process to Steve’s big ideas from the start. After a brief break to enjoy their daughters Izzy and Addy’s early teen years, she came back home to The Third Estimate team in 2020 with a plan to inspire and drive growth. Her dedication to community commitment and advocation for women in the trades has helped the Colopys build a team of leaders more diverse than the industry standard.

Tara Colopy


Chief Morale Officers

Brothers Louie and Teddy keep our Solon headquarters Pawsitively upbeat


Older by 4 years, Louie can be found following others around the office to keep tasks interesting and exciting- mainly by adding the step of petting him. He knows there’s something connecting how many pets he gets to how productive we are and isn’t afraid to make demands. Known to “raise the roof,” he lets us know when things are getting too serious with a woof that reminds us to have fun.


Younger brother Teddy came from a litter a few years later, and can usually be found following Louie around. As he became more confident around the office, he has started creating his own niche- making sure we all get the energy needed for the workday by monitoring our meals.