CEO Tara Colopy Joins Owens Corning Platinum Advisory Board

Tara Colopy’s Role on the Owens Corning Advisory Board

At The Third Estimate, we take great pride in our commitment to excellence and innovation in the roofing industry. That’s why we are thrilled to announce that our CEO, Tara Colopy, has been selected to join the Owens Corning Platinum Advisory Board. This prestigious position reflects Tara’s exceptional leadership skills, strategic thinking, and dedication to driving positive change in the industry.

Being a member of the Owens Corning Platinum Advisory Board is a significant honor reserved for top-performing roofing contractor owners. The board consists of industry leaders who play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the roofing trade. For Tara, this appointment represents not only recognition of her expertise but also an opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the industry.

New Board Member Announcement! Tara Colopy, CEO of The Third Estimate, has been appointed to the Owens Corning Platinum Advisory Board.

What Does It Mean To Be On The Owens Corning Platinum Advisory Board?

So, what exactly does it mean to be on the board? According to the Owens Corning Marketing Director, Michael Schneider, the Platinum Advisory Board serves as a strategic think-tank, providing valuable insights and perspectives to help Owens Corning continuously improve its programs and offerings. Board members, including Tara, are tasked with offering authentic and candid feedback on various aspects of the business, from program development to market opportunities.

Why Was Tara Chosen To Be On The Board?

When Schneider was asked why Tara was chosen to be on the board, he said, “Throughout my times interacting with Tara, it is clear she simply has another gear in the way she approaches business. She was asked to serve on the board because of her strong leadership and strategic-thinking skills, in addition to her passion for driving meaningful change in the industry. Her values align with ours at OC, including giving back to local communities and caring for customers and their experience.”

Advancing Diversity and Inclusion: Women on the Advisory Board

Diversity and inclusivity are also key priorities for Owens Corning, and the Platinum Advisory Board reflects this commitment. Tara’s appointment as the second female board member underscores the importance of gender diversity in leadership roles. Her presence on the board ensures that a diverse range of voices and perspectives are represented, contributing to more robust and inclusive decision-making processes.

Collaborative Leadership for Innovation

Throughout her tenure on the board, Tara will have the opportunity to collaborate with other industry leaders, sharing insights and best practices to drive innovation and excellence in the roofing sector. Her strategic-thinking skills and commitment to continuous improvement will undoubtedly make her a valuable asset to the board and to Owens Corning as a whole.

Inspiring Pride: Tara’s New Role

As Tara embarks on this new role, we at The Third Estimate couldn’t be prouder of her accomplishments and the recognition she has received from Owens Corning. Her leadership and dedication continue to inspire us as we strive to deliver the highest quality roofing services to our customers and make a positive impact in our communities.

Tara’s Leadership: Shaping the Future

Tara Colopy’s appointment to the Owens Corning Platinum Advisory Board is a testament to her exceptional leadership and expertise in the roofing industry. We look forward to seeing her contributions help shape the future of roofing excellence.